I’m not really in a position to tell you what Xplocial is. All I know is that it is a multi level marketing business that has the potential to earn you a reasonably realistic residual income. They are not confined to the US, everyone in any country can join. The advantage of Xplocial over all other home based business or MLM companies out there is that you DO NOT HAVE TO SELL ANYTHING. At least that is exactly what every other person trying to recruit you into their downline will tell you.
My timeline on Twitter and Facebook have been flooded with post suggesting that they are making money in their sleep with Xplocial. Some even go as far to say join my company and I will show you how to get it like me.
The secret to succeeding in this kind of business is by building the biggest downline and you as the leader making sure that your downline keeps growing. In MLM terms, a downline is simply a list consisting of people you introduced to the business and those people they introduced.
If you signup to an MLM program, whoever introduced you becomes your sponsor. You signup you son and wife, you become their sponsor. Your wife and son both go on to introduce 3 of their friends each, hence becoming their sponsors. Their friends then go on to introduce more people to the business and the downline keep growing.
Xplocial is divided into two membership types. There is the gold membership that cost US$29 and the Platinum going for US$54. Most people would advice you to have both gold and platinum memberships so that you can earn more money per new signup. What they are really is saying join both so that I can make more money.
If you sign up 65 people, you will be
earning yearly income of US$100 000. That is US$ 8000 per month! Imagine your
earning potential should you signup 100 people…
Below is a table summarizing the fees involved
Memberrship Type | Membership Fee | Administrative Fee | Total |
GOLD | USD 29 | USD 24.95 | USD 56 |
PLATINUM | USD 100 | USD 54 | USD 154 |
What they say at Xplocial is that you only need to introduce a minimum of 4 people and they should each introduce a minimum of 4 people and you would definitely in no time be earning $3000 per month. This means, get four people under your downline and help your four get their 4. This is what they mean when they say the power of 4!
According to mlmranking.com, Xplocial is ranked number 1 way above wakeupnow. Other MLM programs you probably know of or heard of are Avon, Amway, HErbalife, GNLD, Ariix, Kleeneze, Moxxor, Neways, Forever Living, Nu Skin, 5Linx, Monavie, Pur3x, TrumpNetwork, Nova Nutria, Carbon Copy Pro, Genewize, YTB Travel, etc. Xplocial is not like any other MLMs because they do not require you to sell nutritional and cosmetic products. They also give small business loan for small or startup companies to a tune of $250 000.
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Larry Marcus |
Xplocial was created by Larry Marcus who has been in the affiliate marketing business for over 30 years. He describes himself as the chief adventure officer of Xplocial. Note the ADVENTURE in his title, not EXECUTIVE! No one running a serious business calls themselves a CAO, its always CEO or director.
Now ask yourself, is Xplocial the home based business that will turn your life around and take you out of those huge debts? I have read the website and seen some of the awesome benefits members get to enjoy as part of both the gold and platinum membership program. but the real question is if the benefits justify the earning members are earning?
Share your thought with the rest of us in the comments section.
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